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Warm Ups/ Los Calentamientos
Warm ups are un-official non-mandatory practices that are available to the team, prior to the start of the season. Bring your glove and your protective cup.

They are held every Saturday 10am at Palega Playground at 500 Felton Street, San Francisco, CA.  94134.

Once the season begins, warm up sessions will then be cancelled.

Los Calentatmientos son entrenos no oficiales y voluntarios disponibles al equipo antes de que comienze la temporada. Traigan sus guantes y su copa protectora.

Ocurren cada Sabado a las 10am en el parque Palega en el 500 calle Felton, San Francisco, CA.  94134.

Al empezar la temporada, cancelaremos los calentamientos.
last warmup 3/7 done.


Eduardo C
Eduardo F

Honorary mention:
Didn't get his first name but Eduardo Cabrera's older brother threw batting practice and offered great insight for the batters from the pitcher's view. Outstanding help, but then again he is a former Saint Peter's Baseball player spreading Aztec baseball love. Thanks a million!!!!

We lost a number of players to the flu but it was expected. Still, had a good practice with the players that were able to make it.

Eduardo Franco and Stanley had good swings and I'm sure they will get us the needed 'drive a run home' swings. Grabriel spent part of the practice on the 'sweat suit' getting ready for the life of a catcher, Walter has a new bat but he still hits the long ball just as crisp- nice new bat by the way. New team member Eduardo C.  fell right in to the squad with good glove work and good at bat practice. Welcome Eduardo Cabrera.

After a good warm up series, all that I can say is, just give us an Umpire and 9 opposing players and the Aztecs will do the rest. Thanks to all that were a part of the warm ups.